Ocean dynamics and coastal risks

Conveners: José A- Jiménez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain), Katrin Schroeder (Italian National Research Council, Italy)

The Mediterranean region faces substantial coastal risks arising from the convergence of a highly vulnerable coastline and escalating exposure to multiple climate-induced hazards. While the anthropogenic component significantly amplifies these risks, it is crucial to comprehend and characterize the nature of oceanic and marine processes that drive coastal hazards and their unique features across the basin. This session invites contributions focusing on the diverse aspects of oceanic and marine processes that contribute to coastal risks throughout the Mediterranean basin. We welcome submissions covering a wide range of approaches, including but not limited to observational studies, cutting-edge modeling, and dynamic analyses, and encompassing various temporal and spatial scales, from transient events to long-term trends, and from to basin-wide perspectives. The goal of the session is to explore how diverse meteo-oceanographic processes such as ocean and coastal circulation, storm surges, waves, medicanes and meteo-tsunamis contribute to typical coastal hazards and prevalent natural risks along the Mediterranean coastline, including shoreline erosion, flooding, and pollution. We welcome contributions that address the specificities of these topics within the Mediterranean context.

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Provincia di Lecce – Salento d’Amare
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