Climate adaptation strategies

Conveners: Roberto Barbiero (Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy), Paola Mercogliano (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Italy)

The session focuses on gathering diverse ongoing experiences and best practices related to climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean region. It is directed towards both local authorities and the scientific community to provide an integrated perspective on this issue. Professionals from regional and local domains are encouraged to share their practical experiences in sectoral and cross-cutting multi-sector adaptation strategies, highlighting both successes and challenges. The scientific community involved in adaptation projects, including participants in the European program "Mission Adaptation to Climate Change", is invited to showcase the tools they are developing to support adaptation. This session aims to promote collaboration and underscore how research, innovation and communication can tangibly support the implementation of adaptation strategies.

Con il Patrocinio di
Provincia di Lecce – Salento d’Amare
Comune di Lecce
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