Physical-biogeochemical-ecosystemic interactions in the Mediterranean Sea in the context of global change

Conveners Marta Álvarez (Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Spain), Alexandra Gogou (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece)

This session seeks studies with an aim to contribute to a better understanding of Mediterranean’s C, N, P biogeochemical cycles along with the ecosystemic states and trends from seasonal to multi- annual scales, in respect to regional and large scale circulation patterns, the prevailing oceanographic processes and climate variability, as revealed through in-situ observations, laboratory experiments and modeling studies. Focus is given on the impact of atmospheric deposition (i.e. desertic dust events and anthropogenic aerosols) and riverine inputs, the air-sea fluxes of greenhouse gasses (CO2, CH4 and N2O), the natural and anthropogenic carbon sinks to the deep (carbon sequestration), changes in productivity modes due to temperature and salinity increases and the concomitant extension of the stratification period, the effects of acidification on Mediterranean marine species and the invasion of alien species. This knowledge rises important in assessing modes of physical-biogeochemical-ecosystemic interactions in the Mediterranean Sea, and their responses in the context of global change.