Paleo-climate at multiple time scales including the human-climate co-evolution in the recent millennia

Conveners: Rachid Cheddadi (University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France) , Martin Finné (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden) , Eleonora Regattieri (IGG-CNR, Pisa,Italy)

The Mediterranean has a very long human history, it is a hotspot of biodiversity and the ongoing climate change is expected to impact it strongly, with a pronounced aridification and temperature increases. A long-term perspective of climate variability is crucial to understand interactions between natural and human-driven impacts at different scales. Paleo-environmental and paleo-ecological data contain a wealth of information on natural environmental baselines and resilience of ecosystems and effects of human activities over the last millennia. This session welcomes contributions on past climatic and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region, from marine and terrestrial archives with a special focus on the interplay between the development and history of ancient Mediterranean societies and the decadal to millennial-scale climate variability.