Registration rates for remote participation Standard Registration rates Low income countries
 Regular 280,00€ 380,00€ Discount of 50%
 Students 100,00 € 150,00€ Free
 Emeritus 120,00€  150,00€ Discount of 50%
 Accompanying  50,00€ 50,00€ 50,00€


Payment terms

Bank transfer to (recipient): ASSOSDS-NT (Société de Développement des Sciences et des Nouvelles Technologies)
Address of the bank: ​​​​220, Sidi Abbad, Marrakech – Morocco
Account number: MA212 021 450 0000220015030021 70
Swift code: CDMAMAMC

Once the payment is made, please send a copy of the transfer
to the following address: a.benkaddour at

Please specify "remote participation"  or "physical attendance" in the email.

If an invoice is required before the payment, please compile this form and return it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain a signed copy