The MedCLIVAR 2024 Conference will award the best posters presented by early career scientists. Eligible candidates are YS (Young Scientists), meaning master and PhD students, and young postdoc (not more than 4 years after completion of their PhD). The YS should be the first author and attend the conference. Applicants should explicitly apply for the award within two weeks after having received the notification of acceptance of her/his abstract as a poster. Applications should be sent to “piero.lionello at”, with subject "MedCLIVAR 2024 Best poster awards". In the email, applicants should also state their highest degree completion date, the session where their poster is presented and title of the poster. Awards will be assigned on the basis of three criteria:

  • Scientific excellence
  • Capability of the presenter to answer questions by viewers during the conference
  • Clarity of delivered information and aesthetic appealing The prize, consisting in a symbolic present and a certificate from

MedCLIVAR, will be awarded during the final session on Friday 27 September.

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