Call for organization of MedCLIVAR 2024.

Deadline for proposals 2 September 2024.

Institutions and researcher willing to host the MedCLIVAR 2024 conference should send a letter of commitment to the chair of MedCLIVAR piero.lionello at (subject “MedCLIVAR 2026 Application”) with the following information:

  • Name(s) and short CV of the organizer(s)
  • institution(s) supporting the conference
  • location and facilities
  • rooms available for the conference sessions ( the plenary session would require a room with a capacity from to 50-250 people and the parallel session two smaller rooms)
  • involvement of sponsors
  • any other information that the organizers think may be useful
  • proposed dates, possibly in September 2026.

MedCLIVAR conferences are organized on a self-supporting basis, with funds provided by sponsors and registration fees. MedCLIVAR provides the publication of the conference webpage (with all the related content) and hosts the procedure for abstract submission and online publication of abstracts.

Information on past MedCLIVAR conferences is available in the webpage "EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES"

The selected location for the MedCLIVAR 2026 conference will be announced in the final session of the MedCLIVAR 2024 conference on Saturday 8 October.

Con il Patrocinio di
Provincia di Lecce – Salento d’Amare
Comune di Lecce
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