6 March 2024 Details of session organization and second circular
15 April 2024 Abstract submission opened
1 June 2024

Free of charge abstract submission closing (*)

17 June 2024 Abstract submission closing
8 July 2024 Notification of acceptance to authors
8 July 2024 Registration opened
10 July 2024 Deadline for reduced  fee applications  reserved for LMI-countries (**)
20 July 2024 Notification of accepted reduced submission fees for LMI-countries
26 july 2024 Early bird registration deadline
1 August 2024 Conference preliminary programme published online
30 August 2024 Deadline for nomination of YS awards
Deadline for registration of presenting authors (***)
2 September 2024 Final programme published online
4 September 2024 Deadline for MedCLIVAR2026 organization proposals
23 September 2024 NEW Deadline for registration (open until the Conference begins)
24-27 September 2024 MedCLIVAR-SISC 2024 conference
(*) After 1 June an abstract submission fee of 20,00€ will be applied to each abstract
(**)  reduced fee reserved for  Low and Middle Income countires (see REGISTRATION FEES)
(***) Authors who have not completed their registration within 230 August will NOT be inserted in the final prpgramme
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Provincia di Lecce – Salento d’Amare
Comune di Lecce
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